1. 深圳业务部-流花28-2流花27-1气田、流花16-2油田群引气利用联合开发项目脐带缆集中采购 标段
主要技术规格:1)1根55.4公里从荔湾3-1中心平台连接至流花27-1水下生产系统的水下光电缆;2)1根3.95公里从流花29-1水下生产系统连接至流花28-2水下脐带缆终端单元的脐带缆;3)1根23.7公里从流花27-1水下生产系统连接至流花28-2管汇的水下脐带缆;4)1根8.2公里从流花28-2水下分配单元至流花28-2水下脐带缆终端单元的脐带缆。Main Specifications:1)One 55.4km Fiber Optical Power cable from LW3-1 CEP to LH27-1 SPS;2)One 3.95km umbilical from LH29-1 SPS to LH28-2 SUTU;3)One 23.7km umbilical from LH27-1 SPS to LH28-2 Manifold;4)One 8.2km umbilical from LH28-2 SDU to LH28-2 SUTU.
(1)资格要求 Requirements for Qualification of Bidder A.营业执照:如果投标人为境内注册公司,投标人需提供合法有效的企业法人营业执照、税务登记证及组织机构代码证或证照合一的营业执照,并加盖公章;如果投标人为境外注册公司,需提供有效的公司登记注册证明。Business licence:If the Bidder is domestic registered company, photocopies with Bidder’s official seal of valid business license(with independent legal person qualification), general taxpayer prove/tax registration certificate, organization code certificate shall be provided(all documents within the validity period); If the bidder is an overseas registered company, it shall provide valid company registration certificate.B.制造商要求(不接受代理):投标人应为脐带缆的制造商。本次招标不接受代理商投标。Bid by Manufacturer requirement (Bid by Agent is not accepted): The bidder shall be the manufacturer of Umbilical. Bid by Agent is not accepted.C.管理系认证要求:投标人须同时具备有效的GB/T19001(或ISO9001)质量体系认证证书、GB/T24001(或ISO14001)环境管理体系认证证书,由中国国内机构发证的可在中国国家认证认可监督管理委员会网站(http://www.cnca.gov.cn/)核实。投标时需提供相关证书的扫描件(原件备查)。Management System Certification requirement:The bidder must?have?valid GB/T19001?(or ISO9001)?certificate?and GB/T24001?(or ISO14001) certificate. The ?certificates which issued by China’s domestic institutions?should?can be verified on the website of China National Certification and Accreditation Administration?(http://www.cnca.gov.cn/). Bidders must provide?scanned?copies of the certificates (original for future reference).D.第三方产品认证证书:提供中华人民共和国应急管理部认可的ABS、BV、CCS和DNV之一颁发的有效第三方产品认可证书,除了上述4家机构外的任何机构包括他们的下属机构均不允许。并随设备一同交付。 Third party certification:The valid Products certifying agency's certificates shall be issued by one of the agencies among ABS, BV, CCS and DNV which are approved as Classification Society by the Emergency Management Department, PRC. It’s not allowed that the certificates issued by inspection subordinate organization, certification subordinate organization or consultant subordinate organization of these 4 Classification Societies approved by the Emergency Management Department, PRC. The Certificate of Compliance shall be issued with the cargo delivered.E.是否接受联合体投标:否 Joint Venture: Not AcceptedF.未通过合法途径领取招标文件:不允许参与投标Failure to obtain bidding documents through legal channels:Participation in bidding is not allowed.(2)业绩要求Requirement for Bidder's reference:2015年1月1日至投标截止日(以合同签署时间为准),投标人应具有至少1个水深不小于705米的包含液压钢管、电缆和光纤的脐带缆供货业绩。说明:投标人须按规定格式提交业绩表,并提交相关业绩证明文件。业绩证明文件包括但不限于:1) 销售合同复印件;和 2) 到货验收证明材料(买方签字的到货验收单或最终用户签署的完工证明或用户出具的临时验收证明或第三方船级社出具的放行单)。投标人所提交的业绩证明文件必须至少体现以下内容:合同签署时间、制造商名称、货物名称、包含液压钢管、电缆和光纤的脐带缆横截面、水深不小于705米的技术要求、到货验收证明。未提交业绩证明文件,或所提供的业绩证明文件无法体现合同签署时间、制造商名称、货物名称、包含液压钢管、电缆和光纤的脐带缆横截面、水深的技术要求及到货验收证明的,均视为无效业绩。?投标人务必填写格式附件3业绩表。From 1st Jan, 2015 to the deadline for submission of bids (subject to the time of signing the contract), the bidder shall have at least 1 product supply performance of, and all meet the technical requirements of umbilical combined hydraulic steel tubing, electrical cable and fiber optic cable with the water depth not less than 705 meters.Note: - The Bidder shall provide corresponding documentary evidence. The documentary evidence shall include but not limited to: 1) copies of sales contract and 2) arrival and acceptance certificates (handover certificates signed by the buyer or certificates of completion signed by the end-user or temporary acceptance certificates issued by the user or release note issued by third-party classification societies). The reference evidence certification furnished by Bidder shall as least demonstrate the content show as follows: Date of signing Contract, Name of Manufacturer, Name of Goods, Cross section of umbilical combined hydraulic steel tubing, electrical cable and fiber optic cable, technical requirements of designed water depth not less than 705m, and Receiving certificate of arrival of goods.- If no documentary evidence furnished, or documentary evidence furnished can not demonstrate Date of signing Contract, Name of Manufacturer, Name of Goods, cross section of umbilical combined hydraulic steel tubing, electrical cable and fiber optic cable, designed water depth, and Receiving certificate of arrival of goods, the relevant reference will be deemed invalid.The bidder must fill in the performance form in form Attachment 3::List of Performance.